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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Breeders Guide Morgan Horses

The Morgan: America’s first breed Tug Hill Whamunition at Boston Morgans Few Morgan stallions own such a successful show record and now claim an extensive list of WC get as Tug Hill Whamunition, standing at and owned by Boston Morgan Farm. Sired by one of the greatest Morgan breeding stallions, "Jesse" is proving himself, earning a legion of fans coast to coast. He is now enjoying "the good life" in his new southern California home. Boston Morgans’ Bill and Helen Crawford have been breeding and raising Morgan show horses for over 35 years. In 1973, they left their New England home and relocated to Wilsonville, OR, midway between Portland and Salem. Their 17-acre farm was home to 20 Morgans In late 2003 they made a big move to picturesque and sunny LaCresta in Murrieta, CA. A new farm was built with training and breeding barns and a home for Carolyn and her husband. Tug Hill Whamunition and his harem are settled into the new farm. This location brings them closer to their off-farm training team at Blackridge RJH. With daughter Carolyn Crawford Dillon handling the training duties after coming home from jobs at Morgan, Arabian and American Saddlebred facilities around the country, Boston Morgan Farm keeps all the fun in the family. Helen does most of the showing; Bill coaches the two ladies and is sometimes seen at the whip of some of the horses. Carolyn, Helen and Bill have all been winners at the Morgan World Championships in Oklahoma City. Although small in scope, this family operation has earned a reputation for breeding and showing high quality horses to many Regional, Grand National and WCs. The farm's celebrity in residence, of course, is Tug Hill Whamunition. A WC Stallion in hand, six-time WC in the Park Saddle section and packing a total of 11 WC titles overall, this charismatic stallion is right at home and is enjoying welcoming visitors and charming the ladies of his court. Pictured here is Tug Hill Whamunition (Wham Bam Command x Fiddler’s Majesta). Tug Hill Whamunition Breeders Guide logo address Copyright © The Breeders Guide 1998-2005. Web site by Abracadabra Graphics. Hit Counter Verizon DSL Service

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